Indoor Recreation Facilities in a Post-Pandemic World

Indoor Recreation Facilities in a Post-Pandemic World

The times, they are a-changin’. Bob Dylan wrote that in 1964, but there could be hundreds of songs with the same name written today. In the start of March, our world went on as usual, offices were open, and people went to the grocery store without covering their face....
Steps for Healthy Swimming

Steps for Healthy Swimming

Going for a swim in the summer has been a staple to the sunny days since the first person hopped into a body of water and found out how refreshing it can be. No matter if it’s a pool, lake, river, or ocean, there have been many memories made frolicking amongst friends...
Steps To Prevent Chloramines

Steps To Prevent Chloramines

Using chlorine to clean your pool is and has been the most common technique for years, but it can present a problem when it comes into contact with the bacteria of the swimmers, most notably in the form of chloramines.  These chloramines are what causes the...
Maintaining Healthy Pool Environments

Maintaining Healthy Pool Environments

These are uncertain times we are in right now, and everyone is more aware of the spread of germs than maybe ever before.  This doesn’t stop in the pool area, where maintaining a healthy environment for your patrons should be a top priority.  While it may be impossible...
Pool Safety Tips

Pool Safety Tips

It’s that time of the year again. The sun is sizzling and the kids are splashing around in the pool. And while you’ve certainly heard of a few rules, like not to swim until 30 minutes after you’ve eaten, there are a few things you may not realize can make your pool...