As indoor pool experts, the Truox team loves indoor pools! They allow millions of people across the country to swim year round, practice their sport in the snow, or just stretch their legs after a long day at the office. Despite our passion for pools, we know that they aren’t without their challenges.


Indoor pools often get a bad reputation thanks to the amount of energy they use and while they do use a fair bit of energy, there are plenty of ways to save energy and money at your indoor pool. Whether you’re a current indoor pool owner or thinking about installing one, this post is for you. Keep reading below to learn five tips from indoor pool experts for saving energy (and money) at your indoor pool.


5 Tips for Saving Energy (and Money) at Your Indoor Pool


  1.     Implement Breathe EZ at your indoor pool


Breathe EZ is our patented technology designed to mitigate and inhibit Chlorinated Disinfection Byproducts (DBP) at indoor pools and aquatic facilities. We use Advanced Oxidation Technology to produce the same free radicals used to remediate groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents and fuel additives. When added to swimming pools, the free radicals produced are able to remove DBP and the organic contaminants that create them from the water. The free radicals also generate 2700mV of Oxidation Potential, which results in the rapid destruction of chlorinated DBP and the organic contaminants as they are introduced to the pool water.


When the chlorinated DBP are destroyed, free chlorine is then liberated from the DBP and released into the water. The Oxidation Reduction Potential is then sustained with reduced concentrations of free chlorine.


Not only does our product create a safer swimming environment and eliminate DBP, it also reduces your overall energy expenditure and cost because there is a reduced outside air exchange.


  1.     Regularly clean out your filter baskets


Clogged filters lower the efficiency of pool pumps and motors, causing more energy to be expended for the same results. Regular maintenance and cleaning can easily remedy this issue. The indoor pool experts on the Truox team recommend cleaning your filter baskets bi-weekly at a minimum for the best results.


  1.     Cover your pool after hours


Did you know that an uncovered pool will lose heat and water through evaporation faster than a covered pool? Covering your pool after hours will help prevent excessive heat loss and water loss by evaporation. Something as simple as covering your pool will conserve water and save you money on your water and electric bills.


  1.     Invest in an energy efficient pump


Choosing an energy efficient pump for your pool rather than a standard pump is recommended by indoor pool experts worldwide to help save energy and energy cost at your pool. 


  1.     Invest in a solar pool heater (and solar power for the building if possible)


Investing in a solar pool heater is a great way to save money and energy, all while attracting clients who prefer doing business with green companies. Solar pool heaters can help cut your energy expenditure and electricity costs in half, making the investment well worth it!


Running an indoor pool doesn’t have to use excessive energy or cost you excessive money. There are dozens of ways indoor pool experts have found to decrease energy and cost, all while providing clients with a fabulous experience every time. 

If you have any questions about implementing Breathe EZ or the other strategies mentioned above to help save energy at your pool, the Truox team is here for you. Give our team a call to learn more today!