If you are looking for a new form of exercise to help you get in and stay in shape this winter, indoor swimming is the sport for you! Indoor swimming throughout the winter months comes with a number of health benefits that will help keep you healthy through the colder months, while letting you have fun in the process.


The Truox team is passionate about indoor swimming for exercise and today we are so excited to share that passion with you. Below are the 8 key benefits of indoor swimming throughout the winter months. Keep reading to learn more and let us know in the comments if you decide to give it a try!


8 Benefits of Indoor Swimming in the Winter


  1.     Indoor pools are cleaner than gyms


We have all had our fair share of less than sanitary encounters at a standard gym. The guy who refuses to wipe down his equipment after use. The woman who is coughing away on the treadmill next to you. The purpose of exercise is to keep you healthy, but working out in those conditions often leads to colds and flus.


Properly maintained indoor pools are much cleaner than gyms and because you are underwater and don’t have strangers right on top of you. Both of these are a huge plus for your immune system.


  1.     Beat the winter blues


Seasonal depression is very common in the United States, but indoor swimming can help you fight off the winter blues. Studies have shown that the rhythmic breathing relied on when swimming is helpful in reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety in adults, while also aiding in relaxation.


Of course, swimming alone is never a substitute for medical advice, so always consult with your doctor first!


  1.     Go easy on your joints


Swimming is a low impact exercise, which means it is joint friendly. In the winter months, those with arthritis and other conditions can see flare ups thanks to the colder temperatures. Indoor swimming can help combat this.


  1.     Swimming makes you smarter


Not only does indoor swimming encourage rhythmic breathing, the mechanical movements are also very rhythmic. The rhythm of the bi-lateral strokes used can help connect the neural pathways in your brain while activating both hemispheres of your brain. This can help improve cognitive function and memory. Pretty cool, huh?


  1.     Water creates resistance


Indoor swimming is often thought of as just a cardiovascular workout, but it is actually a full body workout that can also build muscle thanks to the resistance of the water. Most indoor exercises such as indoor cycling or running are purely cardiovascular, making swimming a great alternative.


  1.     The whole family can participate


Busy parents often want to exercise, but can’t seem to find the time in their crazy schedules. The great thing about indoor swimming is that the whole family can participate. While mom and dad squeeze a workout in, kids can take lessons or play on their own if they are old enough.


  1.     Swimming can improve your circulation


Not only does winter mean colder days, it often means more sedentary days too. These two factors combined can lead to a decrease in blood circulation throughout our bodies.


Indoor swimming can help combat this because as your heart rate increases it sends more blood and oxygen through the rest of your body, thus improving your circulation.


  1.     Improve overall athletic performance


Because indoor swimming is a full body, bi-lateral, rhythmic form of exercise, it is great for cross training. If you participate in other winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, or snowshoeing, adding indoor swimming sessions a few times a week can help you build muscle and balance to perform better on the slopes.


Indoor swimming is what gets the Truox team through the dark and dreary winters, we would be lost without the option. If the changing of seasons has you in a rut, we highly encourage you to find an indoor pool near you and dive on in!

To any seasoned indoor swimmers reading this article, we would love to hear from you! Sign off in the comments with your indoor swimming advice for newcomers!